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  • Prediabetes And Your Vision: Know The Facts

    More than 29 million people in the United States are living with diabetes. 86 million Americans—more than one out of three—have prediabetes, and vision problems are one of the foremost complications accompanying this disease.

    Continue Reading November 25, 2015

  • Understanding Astigmatism

    Astigmatism may be one of the most commonly misunderstood eye conditions. Many believe it’s caused by improper lighting, that it can lead to more serious eye problems, or—something we’ve all likely thought at some point—that it’s called “a stigmatism.”

    Continue Reading October 28, 2015

  • Why Does Chopping Onions Drive Us to Tears?

    Why Does Chopping Onions Drive Us to Tears? Tears and a runny nose? Looks like that recipe called for freshly chopped onion! What is it about onions that sends our tear ducts into overdrive? Onions are Full of Sulfur As onions grow, they absorb sulfur from the soil. Onions also contain special enzymes that lie […]

    Continue Reading April 2, 2015

  • 4 Signs That Your Child May Need Glasses

    4 Signs That Your Child May Need Glasses Sometimes it isn’t easy to know when your child’s vision is impaired. After all, we can’t see through their eyes. Children often do not know that their vision is blurry! It makes sense when you think about it—it’s all they’ve every known! When some parents learn that […]

    Continue Reading February 17, 2015

  • Your Beautiful Eyes

      Which part of your body lets you read the back of a cereal box, check out a rainbow, and see a softball heading your way? Which part lets you cry when you’re sad and makes tears to protect itself? Which part has muscles that adjust to let you focus on things that are close […]

    Continue Reading February 4, 2015